The URL you have requested was not found.
An Internal Server error occured.
Register for the Raglan 500 event

Note: all fields marked with a "*" must be completed

You can always come back later to edit your details using the same link or from your dashboard

Overall Team Details

My tracking will stop at
We will connect, test, assign, and ship your tracker to you on this date
Test your device from this date to show as "Ready to Start" on the map - only locations from this date will display on the map
Please update to your planned start time
Your actual start time, actual locations won't show before this - they will show at the start instead (for privacy)
Only locations up to this date will display on the map

Social Media click for help

If you share social media links below they will be added to your individual profile on the tracking map. These links will be visible to any dot-watchers! It’s a great way to create more engagement and to connect with like-minded people. This is optional! You can also choose to add links at a later date.
  • Enter social media usernames / web addresses to show links and/or embed in the map's sidebar, participant profile.
  • To enter more than one address seperate each using a comma e.g.,
  • Each item is shown as an icon to link to open in an external page, and also embedded in the sidebar. To only show the link add |LINK_ONLY ("|" is the Pipe symbol above the backslash key) to the web address e.g.|LINK_ONLY. Or to only show the embedded page add |EMBED_ONLY to the web address.
  • Note: we can't embed personal facebook profiles or Instagram pages (only links) due to privacy restrictions, these are automatically made |LINK ONLY. However, we do support Snapwidgets, but it's a little more work - follow these instructions:
    1. Go to
    2. Click on the Sign up button
    3. Sign in with facebook or email
    4. Click on Create a new Widget
    5. MAProgress supports Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter "Grid", "Board", "Scrolling", & "Slideshow" widgets - both FREE and PRO. We prefer the "Slideshow" or "Scrolling" widgets so you can see more photos. Note "Popup" and "Map" are not supported.
    6. Click on the type of Widget you want to create
    7. Click on the Username to login to your relevant Social Media account and accept permissions etc.
    8. Note that the embed size on MAProgress is 320px by 320px (320 pixels square).
      • For the "Grid" widget update the layout to 2 Columns x 2 rows for 160 px Thumbnail size, or 3 columns x 3 rows for 100 px Thumbnail size
      • For the "Slideshow" widget change the Thumbnail size to 320 px
      • For the "Scrolling" widget change the Thumbnail size to 320 px, and the Columns to 1
      • For the "Board" widget update the layout to 2 Columns x 2 rows to display 4 photos and text at a time
    9. (Optionally) change other settings depending on your preferences
    10. Click on "GET WIDGET"
    11. The widget has now been created and can be embedded in MAProgress. Note the number after the embed link, you need this in MAProgress.
    12. Add "|" (the Pipe symbol) and this number after the web address in the box below e.g.|716197
    13. Once saved anyone viewing the map will see your embedded posts in the map's sidebar


Delete Photoloading
You can add more photos to your profile by uploading them at after you have saved your details



Device(s) The tracking fee for the event is

(available to )

You're renting a GPS tracker from us, we'll take care of the rest!

We will assign the device to you, update the firmware, connect it, and have it ready to go before you start - you can ignore the settings below, you don't need to do anything more.

You must have a SATELLITE TRACKING DEVICE (SPOT or inReach) to register for this event

Between and start your tracker to show on the map as Ready to Start (your actual location is NOT shown).
You should only enter the Active From or To dates if want to exclude another trip within this timeframe, or you are swapping devices mid-event
My Devices Active From Active To
Remove Edit getting details You will not be able to test this device until

Only for use when an event is set up to send text (SMS) messages for check-ins
Device Type Image
Select a different device type if not a Spot Gen 3

(whatever you'd like to call your device) You already have a device with this name This was automatically generated - enter a different name if you like

e.g. 0-1234567. You can find the ESN inside the battery compartment of your device. You can instead enter "UNKNOWN" if there is only one device on your XML Feed - we will get it from theere. e.g. 300434060123456. You can instead enter "UNKNOWN" if there is only one device on your Garmin MapShare page - we will get it from the KML Feed.
We will enable data forwarding for new messages after saving.

There already exists another active device in the system with this .
We can email the owner(s) on your behalf to request access if you wish,
failing that you can contact us and we can de-activate the other device for you (but you may need to provide evidence that you are indeed the rightful owner).

The email that will be sent to the owner(s) of the device:

Subject: Request to use device DDDD

Dear XXXX,

The user () has requested the ability to use your device DDDD with .

You can either de-activate your device so that can add their own device with the , or you can add as a user (with a limited date range if applicable)

Message from the user requesting this: ""

To make this change please go to your device settings to update.

Best regards,

Send email(s) now

You can find the authentication code inside the battery compartment of your device

Please note: You can't be connected on and a MAProgress direct connection at the same time. If you're not sure if your tracker is connected please call on their freephone number to check first.
If you have a new device or are updating the service plan or tracking interval from when it was last used, YOU MUST sync your device with a computer using the SPOT Device Updater after we advise you that the device is connected (connection date below), i.e. make sure your SPOT is connected and synced before you leave home.
(use this for other tracking providers)
- you will be billed per month until you request disconnection
- billed annually (no connection fee) until you request disconnection

The end date can't be before the start date
* Connection/disconnection dates are in New Zealand time - business days only

Other Connections

Start End

Annual Plan: per year, no connection fee.

Service plan Per month Description

per month
per year

To disconnect this tracker and cancel any future billing come back here and click on the button below:
Disconnect My Tracker
Your device is currently disconnected and will not collect locations nor will the SOS button work, please Save and Pay to reconnect it

e.g. Click for help

(enter only if your MapShareXML Feed requires a password)
My inReach is on a Garmin inReach Professional Account

Please Note! The KML data feed for the MapShare page isn't available when your device is on a Garmin Professional Account.

You must use inReach Portal Connect. Once you've saved your device, please come back here for the instructions and URL to make sure your device works correctly

If you sell this device, please make it inactive first so the buyer can register it again on MAProgress

Share with Other User Accounts

User Accounts with Access to this Device:

User Owner Active From Active To

Add User
Event Participant User
We will check your device to make sure it works OK. To test, leave your device outside under a clear sky, and turn the tracking on or send a message. We will email you in 30-40 minutes with the results.

Update Device

Add a device that I have already registered on MAProgress Enter details for a new device that I own or have rented

We will check your device to make sure it works OK. To test, leave your device outside under a clear sky, and turn the tracking on or send a message. We will email you in 30-40 minutes with the results.

Please test your tracker by placing it outside, in tracking mode, anytime after . You should see yourself show on the map, at the start line, and in green as "Ready to Start" in the participant list. If you see yourself showing, you're good to go!

Previous Next

Emergency Contacts

These details are required by FocusPoint International to activate an emergency response

Your Details

(use the same as your mobile phone if you don't have another)

Primary Contact

Secondary Contact

Previous Next


Forward messages to friends and family when you press a button on your device, or trigger a message by some other means. All messages are optional, you can safely skip this section if all you need is tracking.

Message Profile
You must have a device(s) capable of sending messages

Message Text to Send Emails Mobile Numbers
Add Email Address
Add Mobile Phone Number

Previous Next

Account details






Your username allows you to login, update your registration details, and highlight you on the map
Password must be at least 6 characters long.

Previous Next

Credit card

visa mastercard

Your saved credit card has expired - please update your details

(the number on the back of the card)
Save Token Customer
Data is stored securely on our payment provider's server (not visible to us)

Previous Next

Terms and Conditions


Tracking Fee
Device Fee
To Pay Now
Charged in NZD NZD
To Pay Now

Note: you can come back and adjust your details at any time using this same link (, or by clicking on the Edit button beside the "Raglan 500" event from your dashboard.

Once you have registered you will receive an email from us confirming your registration, if not, please check your SPAM folder and/or add to your contacts. You will also receive another automatically generated email from eWAY confirming your payment.

Login with the same username and password on your phone for better tracking and so you can update your details or withdraw en-route.

Resend Confirmation Email

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